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www.EbzB.org: Gates County High School Residency – EbzB – Picasa Web Albums

“Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty” An original courtroom drama created through an EbzB Arts-In-Education Residency at Gates County High School. Gates County, NC www.EbzB.org: Gates County High School Residency – EbzB – Picasa Web Albums David & Serena, Thank you so much for all you did for the kids at the High School; they…

“Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty”

An original courtroom drama created through an EbzB Arts-In-Education Residency at Gates County High School.
Gates County, NC

www.EbzB.org: Gates County High School Residency – EbzB – Picasa Web Albums

David & Serena,

Thank you so much for all you did for the kids at the High School; they will always remember what you caused them to think about, such as how many good things are here for them. People have a tendency get so busy in life; they forget to appreciate what is in their back yard or under their nose!!! They will pass these things on to their families without even realizing it. You accomplished it in a beautiful way. Most of us older citizens realize the treasure we have here, you helped to relay that message to the next generation. We are so fortunate to have Barbara [Toti] in the school system; she has a wonderful rapport with so many “different interest” kids. Over the years many kids have “found” themselves in her class. Your expertise made this project memorable in many ways. Hopefully this will help people realize that the courthouse is valuable to our legacy.

Good luck to you as you intermix with the young people in NC, the good things don’t get much attention, keep up the good work!!!

Come back any time, please recommend the State Park to others, we are so proud of the things we have here and of the things we do not have!!! You are welcome to come during harvest time; it is a good time of the year.

You can be proud that everything turned out so well. The quilters enjoyed meeting you.

Again, we appreciate all that you accomplished here,
Looking forward to your return visit.

Rita Lane
Owner, Lawrence Lane House
Gates County, NC

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!