Compliment: Take A Stand! EbzB Arts-In-Education.

“My reflection on this experience will always be wonderful.  The Chatham Arts Council director asked me last night in an interview if I thought they would remember this years from now.  I related a middle school stage experience I had, and said I was certain this would be recalled for them many times over their…

“My reflection on this experience will always be wonderful.  The Chatham Arts Council director asked me last night in an interview if I thought they would remember this years from now.  I related a middle school stage experience I had, and said I was certain this would be recalled for them many times over their lives.  They’ll be times when they don’t make the right choice and remember it, and many times when they do and remember it, and many times when they just tell someone about the experience. What a gift!”

-Elizabeth Carriel
8th Grade Teacher
MB Pollard Middle School

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!