Compliment: War Bonds at University of West Alabama.

David,Thanks so much for your email.  I assure you that the pleasure was ours. I wish that everyone that we have for our fine arts council’s performances would be as great to work with as you all were.  It was a lovely evening and we thank you so much.  I hope you have a safe…

Thanks so much for your email.  I assure you that the pleasure was ours. I wish that everyone that we have for our fine arts council’s performances would be as great to work with as you all were.  It was a lovely evening and we thank you so much.  I hope you have a safe trip home and best wishes for a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sometime when you have time please send me something about the Dickens holiday show so that I can have it for future reference.

Thanks so much,

Vivian D. Hauser
Secretary/Bookkeeper & Associate in Acquisitions
Julia Tutwiler Library
The University of West Alabama

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!