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Night Before Christmas Carol program air dates for 2011.

Merry Christmas, America! EbzB Productions The Night Before Christmas Carol will air on the following public television stations in 2011… KET – Kentucky Educational Television, varied air dates Idaho Public Television, varied air dates KLRU – Austin, TX, Mon 12/19 9PM KCTS – Seattle/British Columbia 12/19 varied air tines & and other varied air dates…

Merry Christmas, America!

EbzB Productions The Night Before Christmas Carol will air on the following public television stations in 2011…

KET – Kentucky Educational Television, varied air dates

Idaho Public Television, varied air dates

KLRU – Austin, TX, Mon 12/19 9PM

KCTS – Seattle/British Columbia 12/19 varied air tines & and other varied air dates

WKNO-Memphis, TN 12//23 8PM

WPSU – State College, PA, 12/24 9PM

KBYU – Provo, Utah, 12/25, 12 Midnight

Please check your local listings for air dates and times near you!  Or you can order the DVD directly from EbzB Productions at www.ebzb.org/merchandising.shtml and watch it anytime you wish!

Happy Holidays and “God Bless Us, Everyone!”

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!