
Compliment: IN ONE ERA, CAF

Dear Serena, On behalf of the Carteret Arts Forum, I would like to thank you again for your wonderful performance at our Carteret Arts Forum first program of the Season. The Program Committee wanted to have strong programs to begin and end our Season and we were right on target with your “In One Era…

Dear Serena,

On behalf of the Carteret Arts Forum, I would like to thank you again for your wonderful performance at our Carteret Arts Forum first program of the Season.

The Program Committee wanted to have strong programs to begin and end our Season and we were right on target with your “In One Era and Out The Other.”

We have received many wonderful comments on your performance. One subscriber said he knows he missed some important history facts and would love to see it again. He was very impressed how much history you shared, while singing with your beautiful voice and with the accompaniment of Julie Florin and Drew. We all loved the audience participation. It was truly an outstanding cabaret.

We all enjoyed meeting you and David and your son. Your son is an amazing young man. We enjoyed getting to know you all better at dinner. Bill Colbert, the Chairman for your program, said it was a pleasure to work with you all.

Please keep in touch, we would love for you to return in the future. Thank you again!

Elaine G. Tempel
CAF Vice President/Program Chairman

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