
Compliment: Night Before Christmas Carol: Tryon, NC.

“DAVID WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL at OUR 1ST EVENT FOR THE ‘FAMILY’ (as opposed to retirees.)  I was AMAZED at how the kids responded!  You could hear a pin drop, the audience was so focused on the performance. PERFECT!” -Beth Child Director Tryon Fine Arts Center Tryon, NC   Christmas events held recently at the Tryon…

“DAVID WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL at OUR 1ST EVENT FOR THE ‘FAMILY’ (as opposed to retirees.)  I was AMAZED at how the kids responded!  You could hear a pin drop, the audience was so focused on the performance. PERFECT!”

-Beth Child
Tryon Fine Arts Center
Tryon, NC

Christmas events held recently at the Tryon Fine Arts Center were well attended and enjoyed by patrons of all ages. Above, actor David zum Brunnen talks with Jackson Geddings, Jack Tinkler, Lorie Geddings and Madison Geddings after zum Brunnen’s performance as Charles Dickens in The Night Before Christmas Carol. This scholarly and entertaining one-man show provided a glimpse into Dickens’ world and imagination.
EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!