Fwd: World Premiere | March 14th, 15th & 16th!

Serena Ebhardt directs… World Premiere | March 14th, 15th & 16th! March 15th | Golden Pin VIP Reception Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. we began with a dream… The Clothesline Muse World Premiere Painted Bride Art Center 230 Vine Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106 | (215) 925 9914 Friday, March 14th, 2014 @…

Serena Ebhardt directs…
World Premiere | March 14th, 15th & 16th!

March 15th | Golden Pin VIP Reception Email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser.

we began with a dream…

The Clothesline Muse
World Premiere

Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106 | (215) 925 9914

Friday, March 14th, 2014 @ 8pm
Saturday, March 15th, 2014 @ 8pm + VIP Reception
Sunday, March 16th, 2014 @ 3pm

It is with an attitude of gratitude that we share this amazing news! A limited number of Golden Pin VIP tickets are available for the Saturday 8pm show at the Painted Bride!

…our dream is coming true, thanks to YOU!

Come help us celebrate these stories that have not yet been told! With the purchase of a Golden Pin VIP ticket, we’re offering:

  • Golden Clothespin Acknowledgement in the performance
  • Exclusive access to the private VIP reception immediately following Saturday’s performance
  • Signed limited edition of Clothesline Muse Poster
  • Entry into a drawing for original art from The Clothesline Muse set created by Maya Freelon Asante
  • Early entry to the art exhibition Clothesline Musings: Art Inspired by the Clothesline

We are raising the line with your help! Your Golden Pin VIP ticket will help kick off our 2014/2015 national tour and help bring The Clothesline Muse performance and education outreach to cities nationwide!
Not Based in Philly? We’re encouraging folks to “Gift” a Golden Pin VIP ticket to someone who is. Or, why not make a weekend trip of the premiere? Book a room at the downtown Holiday Inn Express— a beautifully renovated hotel that’s two miles away from the performance venue and right on the water! 

Tickets (plus perks!) are being sold for $100.00 each. You can make this donation online via PayPal or alternatively send a check to Aion Productions, LLC. 103 W. Main St. #405  Durham, NC 27701.
General admission tickets for premier weekend performances can be purchased here.

We thank you!
Maya Freelon Asante, Nnenna Freelon, Kariamu Welsh – Creators of The Clothesline Muse


Above |  Producers of The Clothesline Muse: Maya Freelon Asante, Nnenna Freelon and Kariamu Welsh (photo credit: Steven Whitsitt)
Below | Dancers: (photo credit: Malaika Clements)
more info: www.clotheslinemuse.com  »

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EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!