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Night Before Christmas Carol: Hill College, TX

http://hillsbororeporter.com/christmas-show-planned-at-hill-college-p20946-54.htm Christmas Show Planned At Hill College Thu, Nov 24, 2016 The second Performing Arts Series event at Hill College com-bines two well-known Christmas traditions into one magical evening of entertainment. Thursday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m., David zum Brunnen will bring the story of Dickens’ creation of his famous morality tale, “A Christmas Carol,”…


Christmas Show Planned At Hill College

Thu, Nov 24, 2016

The second Performing Arts Series event at Hill College com-bines
two well-known Christmas traditions into one magical evening of

Thursday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m., David zum
Brunnen will bring the story of Dickens’ creation of his famous morality
tale, “A Christmas Carol,” to life on the Hill College stage.

production is suitable for all ages and will be presented to students
from local school districts on both Thursday and Friday, December 2.

Elliot Engel, who has taught at Duke University, North Carolina State
and the University of North Carolina, specializes in the life and work
of Charles Dickens and wrote “The Night Before Christmas Carol” to bring
to the stage the events that led to Dickens’ writing of the well-known
tale, specifically on the night he dreamed up the story.

who attend will be treated to the historically accurate and highly
humorous staging of these events, a solo performance by a veteran of
stage, television and screen, David zum Brunnen.

Also hailing
from North Carolina, Mr. zum Brunnen is an activist and advocate for
theater, having served as executive director of the North Carolina
Theatre Conference and Board Chair for Arts North Carolina.

performances of “The Night Before Christmas Carol” on national and
international stages have earned excellent reviews from critics.

more significantly, the great-grandson of Charles Dickens claims,
“David absolutely becomes my great-grandfather on stage.”

The production is directed by his wife and business partner, Serena Ebhardt.

always, this performance is provided to the community free of charge
thanks to the generosity of college and community donors and will take
place in the Vara Martin Daniel Performing Arts Center, just behind the
Texas Heritage Museum on the Hillsboro campus.

No tickets are
required, and seating is first-come, first-served. A reception will
follow the performance hosted by the Hillsboro Monday Review Club.

are invited to support the Hill College Performing Arts Series by
becoming a Benefactor ($100), a Sustainer ($50), a Patron ($25) or a
Supporter ($10).

Also, for a donation of $1,000 or more, a donor can become a Lifetime Benefactor.

Names of lifetime benefactors, benefactors, sustainers, patrons and supporters appear in each program.

Donations may be sent to: Hill College Music Dept., Attention: Phillip Lowe, 112 Lamar Drive, Hillsboro, TX 76645.

more information on the performers and performances and to view
promotional videos of each group, visit the Hill College homepage at
hillcollege.edu and click on “Performing Arts Series” found in the
drop-down menu under “Quick Links” in the center of the page

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