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Native: Instagram post by @patricegopo

From Instagram… “During dinner at the [NC Writers’] Conference, I had the opportunity to watch an abridged version of the @ebzbproductions play “Native.” I can’t say this enough: if you ever, ever have an opportunity to see this play, see this play. The play by Ian Finley is based on the true story of Paul Green and…

From Instagram…

“During dinner at the [NC Writers’] Conference, I had the opportunity to watch an abridged version of the @ebzbproductions play “Native.” I can’t say this enough: if you ever, ever have an opportunity to see this play, see this play. The play by Ian Finley is based on the true story of Paul Green and Richard Wright turning Wright’s 1940 novel “Native Son” into a play. All the while, they discuss race relations of the time period. But so much of what they say could be about now. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

See this Instagram post by @patricegopo: https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxbtW9gPkf/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!