TODAY’S CURTAIN SPEECH- Before we start we also want to remember someone very special to this community, region, the state of NC & beyond. A truly remarkable woman by the name of Linda Bamford was someone who lived a vibrant, caring & giving, full life, focused on making sure students like you enjoyed as many arts & educational experiences such as this one & many others – as much as possible, as often as possible; she was an inspiration & a wonderful guide & leader to so many in the RDU area & far beyond; she passed away last week & we honor her today. She certainly played a major role in our being able to be together here today. #TheWrightsofPassage

from EbzB Productions – Serena Ebhardt & David zum Brunnen TODAY’S CURTAIN SPEECH- Before we start we also want to remember someone very special to this community, region, the state of NC & beyond. A truly remarkable woman by the name of Linda Bamford was someone who lived a vibrant, caring & giving, full…

from EbzB Productions – Serena Ebhardt & David zum Brunnen TODAY’S CURTAIN SPEECH- Before we start we also want to remember someone very special to this community, region, the state of NC & beyond. A truly remarkable woman by the name of Linda Bamford was someone who lived a vibrant, caring & giving, full life, focused on making sure students like you enjoyed as many arts & educational experiences such as this one & many others – as much as possible, as often as possible; she was an inspiration & a wonderful guide & leader to so many in the RDU area & far beyond; she passed away last week & we honor her today. She certainly played a major role in our being able to be together here today. #TheWrightsofPassage

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!
