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Wrights of Passage Statistics by Stephen Wall

I thought I would just share that I had the chance the other night to look back over our many shows, and by my count our last performance of “Wrights of Passage” in Shelton, Washington was our 250th performance! I would imagine we have performed this show for well over 100,000 people by this point.…

I thought I would just share that I had the chance the other night to look back over our many shows, and by my count our last performance of “Wrights of Passage” in Shelton, Washington was our 250th performance! I would imagine we have performed this show for well over 100,000 people by this point.

Other fascinating trivia, is that we have performed the show in 42 NC counties (out of 100), plus, of course, shows in SC, NJ, OH and WA. Also, Wake County still holds the lead with 30 performances, but Davie placed a strong second with 21 performances. Orange was third with 18 performances, with Clark County, Ohio and Cleveland County, NC completing the top 5 with 13 performances each.

Well, just thought I would share, since we are occasionally asked about the number of times we have done the shows during our Q&As.

Again, I trust that all is well, and I hope to see you soon.

Stephen Wall

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!