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David,   Please excuse my tardiness in sending you this message.  The delay in no way reduces the absolute joy that I felt in your presentation of “War Bonds.”  People throughout the community still stop me on the street and in the stores to express their gratitude for that evening.  The reporter from the local…


  Please excuse my tardiness in sending you this message.  The delay in no way reduces the absolute joy that I felt in your presentation of “War Bonds.”  People throughout the community still stop me on the street and in the stores to express their gratitude for that evening.  The reporter from the local newspaper summed it up with these words, “Pure class!”  This was, undoubtedly, one of the best received presentations that our arts council has ever sponsored.  So, on behalf of the council and the staff at the Center for Courageous Kids, please accept our deepest gratitude for a magnificent performance.
   On a personal note, I sincerely appreciate your cooperative spirit and warm personalities.  It was a pleasure to work with you.  I hope to do it again. Blessings!

Ken Goforth
P. S.  Our ticket sales allowed us to give the camp over $2,000.00 as their part of the proceeds.

EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!