
Compliment: ’69 Seasons

Being in the audience of ’69 Seasons transformed me back again to being twenty years-old in turmoil times— in the Vietnam War where the senior boys in my high school class disappeared; underlying chaos on my college campus where disgruntled students wanted to take over the administration building; growing racial tensions, and Bam! Janis Joplin sounding…

in the audience of ’69 Seasons transformed me back again to being
twenty years-old in turmoil times— in the Vietnam War where the senior
boys in my high school class disappeared; underlying chaos on my college
campus where disgruntled students wanted to take over the
administration building; growing racial tensions, and Bam! Janis Joplin
sounding great up on the stage.

-Sue Colter, Patron, Turnage Theatre
EbzB Productions – Your World Is Our Stage!