Written by Serena Ebhardt
CAST: Mike Wiley

DESCRIPTION: This one-man show with audience participation explores the 1954 landmark ruling of Brown vs. Board of Education. In 1952, the Supreme Court heard a number of school segregation cases, including Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. It ruled unanimously in 1954 that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overthrowing Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), which set the "separate but equal" precedent. This play recounts the effects of the decision on the families who participated in the original court case, the impact of the ruling on school systems at the time, and the challenges still facing us today.
THEMES: Civil Rights, Education, Public Schools, Segregation, Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall, U.S. History.
AUDIENCE: General Adult; Student Matinee for Grades 4+.
BOOKING: EbzB Productions – ebzb@ebzb.org – 919-387-4616
Run Time: 50 minutes